Who is home care for?

Could you use an extra pair of hands around the home? Would a friendly face to face chat enrich your life and help keep loneliness at bay? Would having someone pick up prescriptions or groceries for you make life easier? If so, homecare in Romford may be just the thing for you. 

Contrary to popular belief, home care isn’t just for the elderly or for people with complex conditions. Our personalised home care services are here to support you however and whenever you need us.

In short, our home care services are whatever you need to feel cared for, comfortable, happy, and safe at home. Read on to learn more about our home care services and who they can benefit. 

Short or long term care

The beauty of home care is that it can be adapted to suit your needs. That means whether you need us for months at a time or just for a few days, we’re here for you. For example, if you’re a family caregiver in need of a break, we can take care of your loved one during your absence. We can also increase the length of calls or the number of visits as necessary. 

To help you get back on your feet 

Life happens. If you’ve recently been discharged from the hospital, are recovering from an injury, or are struggling with limited mobility, we’ll  make sure your home is as hazard-free as possible so that you can recover in the comfort of home. 

We’ll also take care of any household tasks like ironing, cooking, and washing up so that you can get back on your feet as quickly as possible. 

If you could use a friend 

Home care is so much more than simply keeping the house tidy and helping with personal care. It’s also about forming friendships and building connections. 

Many older people live alone and experience less social interaction due to limited mobility or a decline in physical health. To keep loneliness from creeping in, our friendly carers are more than happy to pop in for a chat and a cup of tea. We’re also great companions for days out, events, or social activities. Or if you’d like someone to share a hobby with, we’re here for that too. 

Our personalised home care services 

The personalised care we provide is designed to meet the needs of every individual, whatever those needs may be. Our friendly team of compassionate carers is here to pick up household tasks, help you manage your condition, and provide consistent companionship so that you retain your independence, maintain control over your life, and enjoy the comforts of home for as long as possible. 

From providing 24/7 live in care to popping over to check on you a few times a week, home care is whatever you need it to be. And as your needs or preferences change, we can adapt our services accordingly. That’s the power of home care. 

Get in touch 

If you or a loved one could benefit from our home care services, let’s chat. Feel free to get in touch with us or give us a call on 0800 999 3447 with any questions or concerns. One of our friendly staff will be pleased to provide more information on how we can help.