How can respite care in Romford protect the relationship you have with your spouse?

Studies show that the number of spousal caregivers is growing. While supporting someone who is chronically ill, disabled or aged is never easy, it can be an extra challenging task when the person you’re caring for is your partner. Even the most selfless act of love is not exempt from physical or mental burnout. 

In this post, we discuss the impact of caring for your partner and how respite care in Romford, Clacton on Sea, Colchester and surrounding areas can relieve some of the strain and protect your relationship. 

The impact of spousal caregiving 

Whether you’re helping with personal care or ensuring they take their medication on time, spousal caregiving comes with the usual challenges of caregiving but with some additional impacts. Here are some ways looking after your partner can impact you and your relationship: 

Marital strain:

Although you vowed to look after each other ‘in sickness and in health’, being a full-time caregiver is bound to impact your marriage in one way or another. Not only can your caregiving duties cut into quality time spent together, it can also lead to resentment or create conflict between your spouse and other family members involved in your partner’s care. 


Looking after another person is mentally and physically exhausting which can pave the way for burnout. The emotional impact of looking after your partner can also take a huge toll on mental wellbeing, potentially leading to moodiness, weight loss or gain, poor sleeping patterns, irritability, depression, and anxiety. 

Sense of loss: 

It can be difficult to balance your personal life when so much of your energy and time is devoted to looking after your loved one. In spending all your time with your significant other, you may start to feel isolated from your social circle or no longer have the energy to engage in your hobbies. 

What is respite care? 

Respite care is temporary or short-term care provided to relieve a primary caregiver from their caregiving duties. The aim is to share the responsibility of looking after your loved one so that all the weight doesn’t fall on you. After all, even caregivers need a break. 

How can respite care help? 

Our compassionate carers are here to lighten the load by taking on some of your caregiving duties. We can help with administering medication, doing the grocery shopping, preparing meals, assisting with personal and continence care, and doing light housework such as washing up. Taking on some of these caring responsibilities clears up time and space for you to spend quality time with your partner without feeling drained. This can have a huge positive impact on your mental wellbeing, as well as your relationship. While you undoubtedly love your partner, your needs also matter and also deserve to be cared for. Let us help you. 

Get in touch 

If you and your spouse could benefit from respite care support, our caring team is here to help share the burden of care. Please feel free to reach out and we would be happy to provide more information or answer any of your questions. You can get in touch here or give us a call on 0800 999 3447.