Stress Awareness Month

In honour of April being Stress Awareness Month, we want to bring awareness to some common negative effects and potential cures for managing this modern epidemic. Sadly, millions of people in the UK experience high levels of stress in their lives which has a damaging effect on their physical and mental health. For example, stress is often linked to anxiety and depression as well as heart disease, insomnia, problems with the immune system and digestive problems.

Read on to learn more about stress and how we can help manage symptoms with services like respite care in Romford. 

The damaging effects of stress 

Stress is a common part of everyday life. Most of us experience daily stress. In moderation, it can be helpful or even motivating. However, experiencing prolonged periods of a level of stress can lead to both physical and mental problems. 

For example, physical signs of stress can show up in the form of headaches, dizziness, muscle tension, stomach problems, a faster heartbeat and sexual difficulties. 

In addition to increasing the risk of anxiety and depression, stress can make it difficult to concentrate or make decisions. It can also exacerbate feelings of worry or overwhelm. People under stress may also be more forgetful than usual. 

Last but not least, stress can also negatively affect one’s behaviour. Take a moment to think back to times when you felt stressed and how you acted. Most likely, you became more irritable with others. Perhaps you tried to find relief by smoking or drinking more. Sleep and diet are also often affected, with people either doing too little or too much. 

Stress and care – how can we help? 

We understand that family carers may experience a lot of stress. Despite juggling a busy schedule and a variety of responsibilities, many family carers often experience guilt for taking time off to rest, relax and recharge their batteries. Unfortunately, this can lead to burnout and reduced quality of care which doesn’t benefit anyone involved. 

With our respite care services, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your loved one is in safe and qualified hands even when you can’t be there. That means you can soak up the sun on a much-needed vacation without guilt or stress. When you return to your caregiving duties, you’ll feel energised, rejuvenated and capable of providing your loved one with the high-quality care they deserve.

Remember that working in care is a physically, mentally and emotionally demanding job. It’s important to rest and take time for yourself too. 

Our respite care services

Respite care is short or long-term support provided by a professional carer to relieve the primary caregiver from their caring duties so that they can relax. It’s provided in the comfort of a person’s home so that there’s no need to go through the stress and upheaval of temporarily moving into a care home. Whether we provide support for an afternoon or weeks at a time, you can rest assured we’ll care for your loved one as though they were our own family. 

Get in touch 

If you or your loved one would like to learn more about our services or how we can help you with our respite care service, please do not hesitate to get in touch or call us on 0800 999 3447. We would be happy to answer any of your questions or provide more information.